
October 27, 2022
Employer Brand: Where and Why It’s Important
When you think of your favorite clothing brand, you may remember a logo or particular colors. Or perhaps your favorite restaurant’s commercials, which might have a catchy jingle in the background. A company’s brand can keep consumers coming back for more, and as Glassdoor’s survey reports, employer brand is no different. In fact, 86% of HR professionals agree that recruitment is becoming a lot like marketing. But how does your brand make or break your company?
Recruiting & Employer Brand
Think of a time when you were applying for jobs, scouring through job boards, and looking up their LinkedIn. You might have even found a few higher-ups and looked through their profiles, trying to find out if their morals align with yours. And perhaps the most well-known: Glassdoor, where reviews pour in from current and former employees with honesty to boot. 86% of job seekers make certain to do research while applying for jobs, with their decision heavily influenced by what they may find on social media.
There’s a lot that goes into employer brand when it comes to recruitment. Not only is company culture needed to be top-tier, but the recruiting process should leave candidates feeling positive about your team, regardless of if they were hired or not. One of the worst things you could do is ghost a potential employee; in the end, they could just as well be a perfect fit for another position down the line. Not only could they eventually become part of your team, but word-of-mouth is everything when it comes to recruiting. The last scenario your company wants is for individuals not to apply just because they assume the process is lengthy, cumbersome, or not worth it.
Onboarding & Employer Brand
After a job seeker has applied for your company, do you have a pre-set process that the candidate is expected to follow? The number one rule is to have consistent operations that forms a concise routine from candidate to candidate. Is the interview process the same? Does it change from here or there, depending on department? These are al things that can affect your reputation as an employer, and may sway the individual applying in one direction or another if they want to move forward.
Of course, salary and benefits are some of the biggest impacts on a candidate’s decision moving forward. But the truth is that plenty of individuals are on the search for other pluses that may involve company culture or the work environment, which are both easily showcased in employer brand! After all, 50% of candidates provided they would not work for a company with a bad reputation, even with an offered increase in pay.
Retention & Employer Brand
Breaking the promise that you’ve committed to your brand can have a detrimental effect on retention in your company. It’s comparable to showing up for a first date only to find out they’ve been lying about what they look like in your text messages! There’s nothing worse than a new employee showing up on their first day only to find that everything that has been advertised to them was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. In fact, 30% of new employees have left a job within the first 90 days when they’ve noticed a misalignment in the employee brand.
The one answer for this? Transparency. The truth is that most individuals can see the truth behind your company without declarations. After all, we all grew up with the saying: “actions speak louder than words”. Being transparent is not only something people seek out in companies, but something that people respect. Communication is key at every stage of the onboarding process, and is particulary expected to continue once they become an actual employee. Stick with what you’re good at rather than whatever is shiny or new that week.
What can your company do to enhance employee brand?
We know that employer brand is important. It’s why our QuickApp makes it so easy for candidates to fill out their information for their background check, and why our team answers the phone by the second ring in case they have any questions! Our QuickApp also integrates with many ATS and HRIS technologies, which lead directly into the other steps of onboarding with ease for the new employee. We’ll strive to create positive experiences that go hand in hand with your employee brand. Easier on them, easier on you: what’s better than that?
Want to read more?
Glassdoor: The Most Important Employer Branding Statistics to Know