June 24, 2023
Reshaping the Identity of HR in 2023
In 2021, HR was doing everything in their power to hire as quickly as possible. Getting a candidate's foot in the door was difficult, given the obstacles of background check turnaround times still being affected... more
September 27, 2022
Using Background Screening Monitoring Services to Better Manage Remote Workers
Over 2 years ago, most workers across the globe were forced into a remote state. While some companies were eager to get back into the office, plenty of organizations decided to embrace working from home... more
May 27, 2022
Plans & Priorities of the Workplace in 2022
Between returning to "normalcy" post-COVID and entering the Great Resignation, human resource professionals are facing challenges now more than ever. But what are the main obstacles for your team, and how can you get over... more
April 28, 2021
For Background Checks, COVID-19 Effects Linger
One year ago, we were settling into our makeshift offices in corners of our homes. Meetings suddenly included random dog barks, kid-photobombs, and home wifi connectivity issues. But what about now? How have things changed... more
July 30, 2020
How to welcome your team back, safely
In a survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers at the beginning of May 2020, 58% of respondents indicated that they anticipate changing or having alternative shifts to reduce employee exposure. Sure, everyone is expected to remain social distancing... more
May 25, 2020
Ins and Outs of Working from Home
As more and more stay-at-home executive orders are passed across the United States, our workforce is currently shifting to one that is depending purely on technology. According to SHRM, only 24% of U.S. employees did... more
April 15, 2020
Working from Home: The New Normal?
We all know that COVID-19 has drastically changed the manner in which many companies are currently operating: over half of Americans are likely working from home according to multiple sources. In an attempt to get... more