Human Resources

December 22, 2022
The Top HR Trends Expected in 2023
As we near the end of another year, HR individuals may be looking at 2023 with a little bit of apprehension. It seems like the last few stages of our industry have created more problems... more

November 29, 2022
Background Checks vs Investigative Reports: The Difference and The Details
You’ll never find the same information on a private investigation report or a background screening report. This is because private investigators do not have to follow the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), whereas any consumer... more

October 27, 2022
Employer Brand: Where and Why It’s Important
When you think of your favorite clothing brand, you may remember a logo or particular colors. Or perhaps your favorite restaurant's commercials, which might have a catchy jingle in the background. A company's brand can... more

August 25, 2022
The Modern Forecast of Benefits
In the past couple of years, we’ve dissected the difficulties of the new workforce. From sourcing the very best candidates to keeping your employees engaged, all HR teams are finding themselves learning every day. And... more

July 26, 2022
Keeping Up with The Candidates: The Reality of Candidate Experience
In the last handful of years, we’ve seen more changes in HR than ever before. Five years ago, it was a focus on moving towards utilizing applicant tracking systems. Two years ago, it was being... more

May 27, 2022
Plans & Priorities of the Workplace in 2022
Between returning to "normalcy" post-COVID and entering the Great Resignation, human resource professionals are facing challenges now more than ever. But what are the main obstacles for your team, and how can you get over... more

March 29, 2022
What Your Applicant Tracking System Can Do For Your HR Team
In the midst of's annual survey about applicant tracking systems, we want to take the time to break down a few purposes that such technologies can provide for your team. We all know that... more

December 21, 2021
Top Trends in 2022
The beginning of the new decade has brought more adjustments to HR than we could have ever predicted. While we’re all well-versed on remote hiring and more prepared for the unexpected, it’s important to know... more

March 29, 2021
TV Characters Who Would Fail Social Media Checks
Looking for some real-world examples of what might show on a social media screening? Our friends over at Social Intel put together a list of characters who would likely have failed their social media background checks.... more

November 23, 2020
2020 is Coming to an End: What’s Next?
We can all agree that 2020 has brought plenty of surprises. We can also all agree that HR individuals have had to overcome more obstacles than ever expected. While our industry is constantly adapting to... more